Sycamore Lions Club Activities
- The Decorated Pumpkin Display Contest at the Sycamore Pumpkin Festival
- Free Pumpkin Give-away before the Sycamore Pumpkin Festival
- The Lions Raffle at the Sycamore Pumpkin Festival
- Lions Food Trailer at the Sycamore Pumpkin Festival
- Pumpkin Festival Largest Pumpkin Contest
- Lions Vision and Hearing Screening Units
- Eyeglass and hearing aid collection and recycling
- Annually award scholarships to SHS graduating seniors
- Annually award scholarships to Kishwaukee Community College Students
- Provide Lunch at the Lions Handicapped Fishing Derby
- Fund and Co-Host Cookies with Santa with the Sycamore Park District
- Candy Day
- Drive Through Pork Chop Dinner
- Fund and deliver Easter meals for Meals on Wheels
- Bike Path clean-up on Great Western Trail
- Lions of Illinois Foundation Sight and Hearing Sweepsteaks
- Support Lions Diabetes Awarness Day
- Support Make a Difference DeKalb County Feed my Starving Children Event